vendor/sulu/sulu/src/Sulu/Bundle/WebsiteBundle/Navigation/NavigationMapper.php line 130

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  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3.  * This file is part of Sulu.
  4.  *
  5.  * (c) Sulu GmbH
  6.  *
  7.  * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
  8.  * with this source code in the file LICENSE.
  9.  */
  10. namespace Sulu\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Navigation;
  11. use Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\Structure;
  12. use Sulu\Component\Content\Compat\StructureInterface;
  13. use Sulu\Component\Content\Mapper\ContentMapperInterface;
  14. use Sulu\Component\Content\Query\ContentQueryBuilderInterface;
  15. use Sulu\Component\Content\Query\ContentQueryExecutorInterface;
  16. use Sulu\Component\PHPCR\SessionManager\SessionManagerInterface;
  17. use Sulu\Component\Security\Authorization\PermissionTypes;
  18. use Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch;
  19. class NavigationMapper implements NavigationMapperInterface
  20. {
  21.     /**
  22.      * @var ContentMapperInterface
  23.      */
  24.     private $contentMapper;
  25.     /**
  26.      * @var ContentQueryExecutorInterface
  27.      */
  28.     private $contentQueryExecutor;
  29.     /**
  30.      * @var ContentQueryBuilderInterface
  31.      */
  32.     private $queryBuilder;
  33.     /**
  34.      * @var SessionManagerInterface
  35.      */
  36.     private $sessionManager;
  37.     /**
  38.      * @var Stopwatch
  39.      */
  40.     private $stopwatch;
  41.     /**
  42.      * @var array
  43.      */
  44.     private $permissions;
  45.     /**
  46.      * @var array
  47.      */
  48.     private $enabledTwigAttributes = [];
  49.     public function __construct(
  50.         ContentMapperInterface $contentMapper,
  51.         ContentQueryExecutorInterface $contentQueryExecutor,
  52.         ContentQueryBuilderInterface $queryBuilder,
  53.         SessionManagerInterface $sessionManager,
  54.         Stopwatch $stopwatch null,
  55.         $permissions null,
  56.         array $enabledTwigAttributes = [
  57.             'path' => true,
  58.         ]
  59.     ) {
  60.         $this->contentMapper $contentMapper;
  61.         $this->contentQueryExecutor $contentQueryExecutor;
  62.         $this->queryBuilder $queryBuilder;
  63.         $this->sessionManager $sessionManager;
  64.         $this->stopwatch $stopwatch;
  65.         $this->permissions $permissions;
  66.         $this->enabledTwigAttributes $enabledTwigAttributes;
  67.         if ($enabledTwigAttributes['path'] ?? true) {
  68.             @\trigger_error('Enabling the "path" parameter is deprecated since sulu/sulu 2.3.'\E_USER_DEPRECATED);
  69.         }
  70.     }
  71.     public function getNavigation(
  72.         $parent,
  73.         $webspaceKey,
  74.         $locale,
  75.         $depth 1,
  76.         $flat false,
  77.         $context null,
  78.         $loadExcerpt false,
  79.         $segmentKey null
  80.     ) {
  81.         if ($this->stopwatch) {
  82.             $this->stopwatch->start('NavigationMapper::getNavigation');
  83.         }
  84.         $rootDepth \substr_count($this->sessionManager->getContentNode($webspaceKey)->getPath(), '/');
  85.         $parent $this->sessionManager->getSession()->getNodeByIdentifier($parent)->getPath();
  86.         $depth $depth \substr_count($parent'/') - $rootDepth;
  87.         $this->queryBuilder->init(
  88.             [
  89.                 'context' => $context,
  90.                 'parent' => $parent,
  91.                 'excerpt' => $loadExcerpt,
  92.                 'segmentKey' => $segmentKey,
  93.             ]
  94.         );
  95.         $result $this->contentQueryExecutor->execute(
  96.             $webspaceKey,
  97.             [$locale],
  98.             $this->queryBuilder,
  99.             $flat,
  100.             $depth,
  101.             null,
  102.             null,
  103.             false,
  104.             $this->permissions[PermissionTypes::VIEW] ?? null
  105.         );
  106.         $result $this->normalizeResult($result);
  107.         if ($this->stopwatch) {
  108.             $this->stopwatch->stop('NavigationMapper::getNavigation');
  109.         }
  110.         return $result;
  111.     }
  112.     public function getRootNavigation(
  113.         $webspaceKey,
  114.         $locale,
  115.         $depth 1,
  116.         $flat false,
  117.         $context null,
  118.         $loadExcerpt false,
  119.         $segmentKey null
  120.     ) {
  121.         if ($this->stopwatch) {
  122.             $this->stopwatch->start('NavigationMapper::getRootNavigation.query');
  123.         }
  124.         $this->queryBuilder->init(['context' => $context'excerpt' => $loadExcerpt'segmentKey' => $segmentKey]);
  125.         $result $this->contentQueryExecutor->execute(
  126.             $webspaceKey,
  127.             [$locale],
  128.             $this->queryBuilder,
  129.             $flat,
  130.             $depth,
  131.             null,
  132.             null,
  133.             false,
  134.             $this->permissions[PermissionTypes::VIEW] ?? null
  135.         );
  136.         $result $this->normalizeResult($result);
  137.         if ($this->stopwatch) {
  138.             $this->stopwatch->stop('NavigationMapper::getRootNavigation.query');
  139.         }
  140.         return $result;
  141.     }
  142.     public function getBreadcrumb($uuid$webspace$language)
  143.     {
  144.         $breadcrumbItems $this->contentMapper->loadBreadcrumb($uuid$language$webspace);
  145.         $result = [];
  146.         foreach ($breadcrumbItems as $item) {
  147.             $result[] = $this->contentMapper->load($item->getUuid(), $webspace$language);
  148.         }
  149.         $result[] = $this->contentMapper->load($uuid$webspace$language);
  150.         return $this->generateNavigation($result$webspace$languagefalsenulltruefalse);
  151.     }
  152.     /**
  153.      * generate navigation items for given contents.
  154.      */
  155.     private function generateNavigation(
  156.         $contents,
  157.         $webspace,
  158.         $language,
  159.         $flat false,
  160.         $context null,
  161.         $breakOnNotInNavigation false,
  162.         $recursive true
  163.     ) {
  164.         $result = [];
  165.         /** @var StructureInterface $content */
  166.         foreach ($contents as $content) {
  167.             if ($this->inNavigation($content$context)) {
  168.                 $url $content->getResourceLocator();
  169.                 $title $content->getTitle();
  170.                 $children $recursive $this->generateChildNavigation($content$webspace$language$flat$context) : [];
  171.                 if (false === $flat) {
  172.                     $result[] = new NavigationItem(
  173.                         $title,
  174.                         $url,
  175.                         isset($content->getExt()['excerpt']) ? $content->getExt()['excerpt'] : null,
  176.                         $children,
  177.                         $content->getUuid(),
  178.                         $content->getNodeType()
  179.                     );
  180.                 } else {
  181.                     $result[] = new NavigationItem(
  182.                         $title,
  183.                         $url,
  184.                         isset($content->getExt()['excerpt']) ? $content->getExt()['excerpt'] : null,
  185.                         null,
  186.                         $content->getUuid(),
  187.                         $content->getNodeType()
  188.                     );
  189.                     $result \array_merge($result$children);
  190.                 }
  191.             } elseif (true === $flat) {
  192.                 $children $recursive $this->generateChildNavigation($content$webspace$language$flat$context) : [];
  193.                 $result \array_merge($result$children);
  194.             } elseif ($breakOnNotInNavigation) {
  195.                 break;
  196.             }
  197.         }
  198.         return $result;
  199.     }
  200.     /**
  201.      * generate child navigation of given content.
  202.      */
  203.     private function generateChildNavigation(
  204.         StructureInterface $content,
  205.         $webspace,
  206.         $language,
  207.         $flat false,
  208.         $context null
  209.     ) {
  210.         $children = [];
  211.         if (\is_array($content->getChildren()) && \count($content->getChildren()) > 0) {
  212.             $children $this->generateNavigation(
  213.                 $content->getChildren(),
  214.                 $webspace,
  215.                 $language,
  216.                 $flat,
  217.                 $context
  218.             );
  219.         }
  220.         return $children;
  221.     }
  222.     /**
  223.      * checks if content should be displayed.
  224.      *
  225.      * @param string|null $context
  226.      *
  227.      * @return bool
  228.      */
  229.     public function inNavigation(StructureInterface $content$context null)
  230.     {
  231.         $contexts $content->getNavContexts();
  232.         if (Structure::STATE_PUBLISHED !== $content->getNodeState()) {
  233.             // if node state is not published do not show page
  234.             return false;
  235.         }
  236.         if (\is_array($contexts) && (null === $context || \in_array($context$contexts))) {
  237.             // all contexts or content has context
  238.             return true;
  239.         }
  240.         // do not show
  241.         return false;
  242.     }
  243.     private function normalizeResult(array $result)
  244.     {
  245.         foreach ($result as $key => $item) {
  246.             if (isset($item['children'])) {
  247.                 $item['children'] = $this->normalizeResult($item['children']);
  248.             } else {
  249.                 $item['children'] = [];
  250.             }
  251.             if (!($this->enabledTwigAttributes['path'] ?? true)) {
  252.                 unset($item['path']);
  253.             }
  254.             $result[$key] = $item;
  255.         }
  256.         return $result;
  257.     }
  258. }